Do you want to discover the magnificent self-healing abilities of your body and mind? Would you like to learn how to use them to help yourself?
Are you a health and/or wellness professional? Would you like to have a tool to integrate with what you already know and gain a more holistic approach be even more effective? Then this Workshop is for you!
"Adopt innovative and unconventional thinking to uncover previously hidden solutions.
As Einstein stated, 'No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.' Acquire essential tools to manage a health-related session from start to finish."
Pre-requisite to participation in the PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing Program is the completion of the PSYCH-K® Advanced and Basic Workshops
Your “Inner Doctor” knows everything about you: yourstate of health, why you have certain conditions and what you have to do to be, and stay, healthy.
The problem may be that up until now you didn’t know that you have this precious resource inside you but, more than anything else, you don’t know how to use it in a powerful and respectful way. The use of the body, mind, and spirit to deal with a health-related condition, is a custom little considered and rarely used in the Western medical model.
Your “Inner Doctor” loves you and wants to help you, but you need to know how to ask him for help: PSYCH-K® will teach you exactly how to do this!
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation and whatever you did didn’t work? This may have happened because you tried to solve the problemconstantly from the same view point.
Only by changing perspective can you find solutions that were previously invisible. The Four Levels of Reality have this purpose: they will help you see your condition from different points of view and resolve it.
You will balance Beliefs tied to PSYCH-K® principles, cooperation, the healing process and the spiritual aspect of health
In this process you will integrate 22 Beliefs that all the healthiest, long-living, happiest, most satisfied and successful people in the world have in common, into your body-mind-spirit system.
These Beliefs are based on studies of a science called psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (PNEI)and, because of their power, I call them “the 22 elixirs of long life“!
Have you ever wished you could go back in time and change events in your lifetime? Traumas that have had important consequences on your health or limiting Beliefs inherited from your family that are not allowing you to be your healthier self?
With this Balance you will go even further. You will install the Beliefs of a healthy life, in which the problem you have now never existed, in your present life.
You will become aware of the causes that created the problem and be able to turn them into opportunities.
You will create, from a sensory viewpoint, the reality you desire, and activate the biological, biochemical, psychological and spiritual responses of wellbeingin the here and now.
What if your allergies and intolerances weren’t caused by pollen, a certain animal or food? What if they were actually caused by a reaction you have to a person or a certain event you experienced and your subconscious has associated it with the element you are allergic to?
This workshop will teach you a revolutionary way to work with these annoying conditions, commonly called allergies or intolerances and, in PSYCH-K®, Reactive Responses.
Have you ever wished you could transform how you perceived a traumatic event, in just a few minutes and forever, no matter how long ago it happened? This is possible with PSYCH-K® and you will learn how to do it for past, present and future traumas (worries such as: future medical procedures, waiting for school exam outcomes, etc.).
Have you ever considered that what you call an illness may, in fact, be your body, your psyche or your spirit trying to bring your attention to something important to you? And that once you listen and integrate the messages, the problem will no longer need to persist?
You will learn to do this in a simple, effective and fast way!
The secondary benefits are the advantages you sometimes have in holding on to a situation (illness/problem). Knowing how to discover them and then transform them is often a necessary step to achieving and maintaining an optimal state of health.
You will learn how to use PSYCH-K® in emergencies: before, during and after necessary and essential medical treatment. A new way of looking at prevention, and consequent growth.
A divine…surprise!
You will learn the key questions that need asking and how to use your intuition to help people you work with (including yourself) to find the solution to their problems. I will explain the exact structure of a PSYCH-K® health and wellbeing session step by step.
Workshop date: May 8-11,2025
Location: Best Western Plus at the Convention Center, Long Beach, CA
Time: 9:00-06:00 PM
Price: $1850
Instructor: Duccio Locati
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Adelajda Child
Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor
Wellness Expert
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